Research has found security is among the top concerns for phone users Most high-end phones now work on 4G, also known as LTE technology LTE covers a wider range of frequencies than previous 2G and 3G networks It transmits data in a way that gives it the potential to be 100 times faster But experts warn this method also makes the technology less secure Is 4G putting your mobile at risk of hacking? Super-fast networks are not as secure as older, slower systems, claims expert Almost every phone launched at this week's Mobile World Congress was sold on the promise of having super-fast speeds thanks to built-in LTE technology. LTE, also known as 4G, officially launched in the UK last year, but it’s been growing in popularity globally for the past five years. The technology covers a wider range of frequencies and has the potential to be up to 100 hundred times faster than slower 2G and 3G networks, but a software and security expert has told the MailOnline ...
Tout sur la sécurité, décryptage des données sur la toile pour les utilisateurs TECH